Sunday, September 25, 2011

I know you're in love, but you don't have to post about it every 5 minutes!

I hate that! I mean, fine you're in love and you feel like you're in cloud 9 or whatever cumulus cloud is up there, but can't you just keep it to yourself? Like, you flood my newsfeed with your stupid love quotes that you copy pasted from someone else's book, blog, mouth, or you were just too inspired to make one. You  have no idea how many times I roll my eyes every time I accidentally read your posts. Worse, you started posting pictures of yourself holding a sign with your bf's name on it. OMG I mean, who does that?! If I were your bf I would get uber embarrassed. Seriously, it's not cool.

Ok so you're not alone. People like you irk me to death. I'm a hater.

I swear, if I ever get me a boyfriend, you won't even know about it. God, seriously you really have to lessen or even stop those posts. Oh wait..I could just hide you! Why didn't I think of that earlier?

My face when..

You make me wanna cry!!

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