Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm actually thrilled with the idea that I'm going back to school tomorrow.

Yes. Believe it or not, I'm quite excited to be back in school tomorrow. The 3-week sem break was blah. It wasn't that relaxing as I was expecting it to be. I was a maid at home. I hate household chores to death. I can't stay up all night cos there's limited internet connection, sometimes none at all, I must wake up early to start my chores and I can't watch tv that much cos my sibs would take the remote all to themselves. Greedy bitches.

Now I'm back here in Baguio with no parents and I'm loving it. I must say, the only thing I enjoyed during the break was the late eating out with my family and we would go home stuffed and watch a movie on HBO or something.

Most of all, the heat was just unbearable. I would take a bath at night and it feels like a sauna inside the bathroom. I don't know if it's still water or it's already sweat that's running down my back.

I would love to go to school tomorrow but the thought of waking up early in the morning is highly demotivating.

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